If you have ever been rejected by someone you have a crush on, then you know just how devastating that can feel. But when one girl found herself in that position she decided she wasn’t going to let some boy get her down. Instead, she turned her entire life around, lost 140 pounds, and in the end had the last laugh.
[post_page_title]Doing it for herself[/post_page_title]
After being rejected by her college crush, one woman decided to get him back and prove him wrong. However, she didn’t just do it for him. After struggling with her weight for much of her life, she decided it was time to make a few changes in her life.
She knew that she needed to slim down; she knew that she had to take care of her body; and she knew that she wouldn’t be happy until she could look in the mirror and be proud of her achievement. While it may not be easy, she felt this is what she needed to do. What would her crush think then, however?

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day