Going out to a restaurant could be one of the greatest experiences in the world, especially if you can appreciate good food and the whole experience. Restaurants are about bringing people together through food and about providing customers a culinary experience that they will never forget. That’s obviously a nice scenario, only, the harsh truth is that what goes on behind the scenes or the kitchen is a totally different reality. From recycling your food to using different deceitful marketing strategies, some of the things that are going on at restaurants are simply distasteful. Here are 30 secrets from the restaurant world that might get you to thinking twice before eating out next time.
[post_page_title]The waiters are selective[/post_page_title]
Who knew there was such a harsh selection system when going out to a restaurant? It seems that waiters these days have become very picky as to whom they would like to serve and as the customers walk in the restaurant, the first thing the staff does is discuss who will get their table. The reasons for not wanting to wait on certain people is just unbelievable. For example, an inside source says that one waiter he knew didn’t want to serve women whosoever because he believed they weren’t generous tippers. Others refuse to wait on Europeans because they wouldn’t understand the tipping system.
Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day