Remember back in high school, when you used to hang out in the library and crack up at all the hilarious jokes the librarian told used to tell? No? Maybe that’s because librarians aren’t traditionally known for their sense of humor. Well, it’s the aim of these hilarious images, collected from libraries all over the country, to remind us that librarians are just regular (and often really funny) people.
[post_page_title]Batman returns[/post_page_title]
Just because someone works at a library, that doesn’t mean books are their only area of expertise. One of the employees at this school library definitely knows what kids are into these days, and so they put up this sign to appeal to the young students.
While hilariously using the movie Batman Returns as a reference, they casually remind them to return books that they’ve borrowed once they’re done with them. After all, if Batman does it, shouldn’t they too realize it’s the right thing to do?
Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day