[post_page_title]Media attention[/post_page_title]
Susan has been open about disliking the media attention and being behind the stage. As part of her Aspergers syndrome, attention and social situations make her nervous and stressed. Funny enough, the only place Susan has said she feels the safest would be ON stage. “Off stage, [my bad behavior] happens lots. It always has. But I’m getting better at dealing with it because I know what it is. If I feel I’m going to take a mood swing, I get up and leave.” When people ask about her Asperger’s she said, “It’s a very difficult subject to talk about because you always feel that eyes are on you, and people view you as different. I like to see myself as someone with a problem, but one I can solve.”

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day