On June 3, 1988, the movie Big premiered, starring Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, and John Heard. The story followed a 12 year old boy who makes a wish to be “big” and lo-and-behold the wish comes true, and he finds himself navigating adult life. It has now been 30 years since the movie came into our lives, and it is still considered one of the all time greats. But no matter how many times you’ve seen it, there’s still a lot you may not know about this heartwarming classic.
[post_page_title]Tom Hanks as Josh [/post_page_title]
Tom Hanks played the “big” version of Josh Baskin. All Josh wanted was to be bigger, and he got his wish. However, he realizes that he should have been careful what he wished for.
These days Tom Hanks is one of the biggest movies stars in Hollywood, playing some iconic roles in films such as Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, The Davinci Code, and Captain Phillips. Hanks has been nominated at the Academy Awards for Best Actor five times, including for Big, and has won twice for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump.
Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day