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Realizing the truth after divorce - Kiwi Report

Realizing the truth after divorce

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Divorces are rough. The split, the heartbreak, the division. Two souls who were at one point completely intertwined in happiness, love, and euphoria are now separate. The fire has gone out. The stage curtain has dropped. Divorce should usually only be used as a method of last resort, when nothing else has worked. Couples will sometimes go through mediation or therapy in order to work out their problems. Sometimes these problems can be worked out. Sometimes the couple can come to a conclusion that their issues are not insurmountable, and that they can power through. That only makes them stronger.

And yet, close to half of all people who get married in the United States will one day separate and get a divorce. And this is where things get tricky. First, if the couple has children, then a custody battle ensues. Who gets to see the kids, and for how long do they get to see them? When do they get to see them? If one of the parents moves out of the state or even out of the country, then how does that affect visitation rights?
Additionally, there is the religious aspect of the divorce. The Catholic Church has a strict no divorce policy, and those who do in fact seek a divorce may be labeled as heretics and ostracized from the community. Meanwhile, divorce in the Jewish and Muslim traditions, there is a whole legal process within the religion itself in order to grant and accept divorces.
And yet, while there is so much divorce in the United States, there are also a lot of people who come to regret splitting from the person they at one time considered their soulmate. However, sometimes one of the people in the couple will request a no fault divorce and not give a concrete reason. The following is a story about a man who requested a no fault divorce because his wife became ugly. Here is the story of what happened to him.
[post_page_title]True story[/post_page_title]
This is the true story of a man who wanted to get a divorce from his wife. He felt that she was no longer beautiful, and he wanted to see someone who was younger and prettier than she was. This was despite the fact that his wife had given birth to his children. The man felt that his wife had simply chosen to let herself go. It was only much later that the man realized the mistake he made.

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