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Deaf dog shows that she understands commands in an unbelievable way - Kiwi Report

Deaf dog shows that she understands commands in an unbelievable way

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Pets are the beautiful animals that have kept our lives filled with love for many years. Cats, dogs, reptiles, fish – there are so many creatures that can fill the empty space in our hearts. These four-legged friends can make such an impact on our lives that we will often do anything to make sure they are kept comfortable and happy. So what about if we were given a way to communicate with them? Sound pretty impressive, right? Thankfully, there have been some incredible stories of animals learning our language over the years.
Alex, the African Parrot, was able to learn and understand 100 words, including how to count to eight and identifying different shapes and colors. Peter the Dolphin was another to prove he understood the English language. This dolphin moved into a special house with a researcher, and the pair lived together for ten weeks. That’s right; they ate, breathed, and slept together all thanks to the adjustments.

Throughout this time, Peter learned many names of objects and was even able to retrieve many of them on command. He might not have been able to communicate back, but the study was a huge learning curve as to how animals can process our language.
However, this dog didn’t have the joy of hearing on her side. Instead, it looked as though she would need all her other senses to make it through life. Amazingly, this deaf dog shows that she understands commands in an unbelievable way…
[post_page_title]Lending a helping paw[/post_page_title]
Over the years, many of us have relied on dogs to make it through life. Whether they are a companion in the home or used as a service dog, they can make a significant impact on our lives. After all, many of us wouldn’t be able to perform many daily tasks without their help thanks to their time as seeing eye dogs. However, it seemed as though it was time for us to help them back. If only there were a way this couple could communicate with their deaf dog…

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