[post_page_title]Divine Couldn’t Make It To The Stage[/post_page_title]
The legendary Uncle Otto from Married With Children was originally supposed to be played by Harris Glenn Milstead, the drag queen who went by the stage name, Divine.
Tragically enough, Milstead died before filming of the show began – Divine struggled with obesity and his cardiomegaly took the actor’s life too soon.
[post_page_title]Bud Bundy: The Spin-Off[/post_page_title]
Great news for Bundy fans everywhere! A Bud Bundy spin-off is reportedly in works as of 2014. The spin-off’s green light has been halted and moved forward in a repeated motion but hasn’t given up hope just yet.
David Faustino says the possible show is waiting for a legal issue to be sorted out and that Netflix is rumored to pick up the series when production is underway. Each member of the original cast has agreed to co-star or at least make an appearance, but it seems that Bud fans will still be waiting a while.

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