[post_page_title]Ed’s Real Life Inspiration[/post_page_title]
There’s nothing like doing some good deep research and learning about your future character in the place closest to your heart – your family of course.
When Ed O’Neill was practicing and researching for his role as Al Bundy, he actually found the best inspiration for the role within his own family. One of his uncles, Uncle Joe, was his role model and he and the character shared a great number of similar characteristics.
[post_page_title]Budrick Is His Real Name![/post_page_title]
We’ve already seen how the writers of the show can be a bit off with their names choices, as it was in the case of Peggy’s maiden name so we’re not really surprised with this one.
Although it was never really spoken of, Bud, the young brother of the Bundy Bunch, had a full name and went by Budrick Franklin Bundy. Let’s not forget, though. Bud has his own special nickname for himself. Can you remember what it was before we give in and tell you?

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day