Disney parks are often referred to as the most magical place on Earth. With so many people all in one place, though, it’s not surprising that some pretty strange things happen there on a daily basis. Whether it’s the people visiting the parks, or the people hired to work there, their curious antics have all been caught on camera and posted online for us to enjoy. If you’ve never been to a Disney park before, this is the kind of stuff you could be missing.
[post_page_title]Not above the law[/post_page_title]
It’s easy to forget that the people who dress up as your favorite Disney characters have a life of their own.
Snow White might seem all smiles and innocence when you see her at Disney World, but underneath the costume is a woman you know nothing about. We can imagine that kids were pretty traumatized when they saw their icons being carted off by the police, and wanted to know what it was that Mickey Mouse had done. Mom and dad probably had a great time answering all their questions.

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day