The Handmaid’s Tale became one of the most talked-about shows from the moment it first aired on Hulu in 2017. This show, based on the book of the same name by author Margaret Atwood, describes a bleak reality where women are enslaved and forced to serve as Handmaids and give birth to babies they would have to give away.
The women of this show have all kinds of roles – Handmaids, wives, Marthas, and Aunts. But what’s in common to all of them is they mostly appear in uniform that hide their very femininity. This is pretty understandable, since there’s no place for glitz and glamour in the reality of the show. The theocratic regime doesn’t allow for women to express themselves, and so they’re left mere shadows of themselves, some of them even stripped of their own names.
Thankfully, in real life, women are becoming more and more empowered. The ladies who portray these characters so brilliantly, are strong and talented women in their real lives, and there’s nothing holding them back. If you take one look at their Instagram pages you will realize just how magnificent they are, and we don’t just mean their stunning looks.
These women are fierce and not afraid to show it, as they take the world by storm. We admire them for what they do, and how fabulous they manage to look while doing it. Here’s a look at the female cast of the show, in their real lives.
[post_page_title]Elisabeth Moss (June Osborne)[/post_page_title]
The protagonist of the show, June Osborne, is played by the lovely and talented Elisabeth Moss. June is the Handmaid of Fred and Serena Waterford, who is forced to conceive a child with Fred to give to the Waterfords. June is usually found wearing the Handmaids’ red robes, but in this picture Elisabeth is all dolled up and ready to hit an award ceremony. The actress won both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her role as June, and was also made executive producer on the second season of the show. Elisabeth, who looks radiant in this picture, definitely proves that women can achieve incredible accomplishments and look great doing it.