Have you ever had one of those gut feelings that just won’t go away? You just get a feeling that something really isn’t right. Sometimes, it seems as though no matter what we do, there is always that voice at the back of our head making us stop and think about something when things don’t feel right. They say to always trust your gut because it is our natural reaction and feeling that is trying to tell us something.
Often times this gut feeling comes out when we’re entering an area that isn’t safe and something deep insides us tells us to turn around before we get into danger. Other times we feel this reaction when we meet someone for the first time. For one preschool teacher, she was about to learn how her gut feeling was going to turn into a whole lot more. Little did she know that it turned out to be so much worse than she could have imagined.
[post_page_title]Building strong bonds[/post_page_title]
Teachers often build bonds with their students. Working so closely with one another means teachers and children can grow pretty close throughout the school year. After all, they are learning skills they may use throughout the rest of their lives.
This teacher was ready for the new school year when a little girl walked into her class who was about to change her life. Little did she know, but this teacher’s gut feeling about one of her preschoolers was about to turn out worse than she imagined.