Bars are places people who have had one too many drinks tend to hang out. People who have been drinking don’t really need any help getting confused, but some people who design the bars for their customers often complicate things more than necessary. Maybe the bar owners were trying out their products before building the bar, because that might explain why so many of them have made these poorly designed drinking establishments.
[post_page_title]How do you look today?[/post_page_title]
If you’ve been drinking for several hours, the last thing you need when going to the restroom is to have this mirror messing up your eyes.
It can be hard enough to focus on one thing with the blurred vision you end up with, but this mirror is only going to make things ten times worse for anybody who is feeling the buzz a little too much. If you try doing your makeup in this mirror, you might come out looking like a Picasso painting!

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day