Ah, love. The feeling of butterflies in our stomach and as if we’re walking on clouds. Could there be a greater emotion in the world? We thought not. However, it looks as though love might not be all fairytales and romance after all. In fact, there are several scientific explanations for falling in love that might just take the passion out of it all.
Similarities attract
You might have heard that opposites attract? Well, apparently not when it comes to falling in love. According to science, we are more likely to fall for someone if their personality matches ours. This could be anything from their sense of humor to their likes and dislikes. Whatever it is that keeps you entertained, chances are your body won’t help but be attracted to someone that’s just like you.
Unforgettable scent
Believe it or not, but we actually have our own unique smell. Yes, we are emitting our odor all the time, and some people just can’t help but fall for someone else’s. It’s said this can be to do with your potential to be a great parent and even your chances of fighting off certain diseases. Although we might not be able to smell it ourselves, it looks as though our bodies are giving away more about ourselves than we even knew.
Symmetrical appearance
Yes, one scientific reason for falling in love can all come down to your appearance. Having a symmetrical face is said to attract a partner for many reasons. One idea is that having similar features indicates you have been able to withstand any effects from the environment, as well as being able to produce healthy children. However, it’s said that men focus more on symmetry than women who look at other factors, such as personality.
It’s built-in
Love it or hate it, it’s built into us to fall in love with someone? Why? Our purpose is to find someone and have children. It might not be the most romantic vision of finding “the one,” but our brains can’t help but search for someone that could give us the children we’re instinctively after. These are all down to hormones which can make us feel as though we’re falling in love with someone even though we have only just met. Thanks, brain.
It’s addictive
If you’ve ever been in love, you might understand what it’s like to feel that rush you get whenever you think about your partner. It’s like no other feeling in the world. Kind of. This feeling has been likened to the same emotions you get whenever you take narcotics. Do you know what that means? Yup, you guessed it: our brains can become addicted to falling in love. These hormones are enough for our bodies to look to anyone as a partner.
To protect our babies
One scientific reason for falling in love all comes down to keeping our children safe from harm. In the wild, many fathers will leave parenting to the mothers. However, most offspring are much more likely to survive if they have two parents. So humans fall in love to make sure they keep the fathers around. After all, without keeping the children safe, we wouldn’t last very long, would we?
Not many creatures on the planet ever get to experience love. However, us humans are lucky enough to get all the highs and lows of the emotion throughout our lives. Unfortunately, it looks as though falling in love might not be as romantic as we once thought thanks to these scientific reasons behind those butterflies and that giddy feeling.