Everyone loves binge watching their favorite TV shows. After all, that’s why they invented Netflix and chill. And there are so many amazing television shows out there, that you always have something to choose from. So it might surprise you to know that some of your favorite TV shows almost didn’t get made, and were surprise hits.
Some people have awesome ideas for a series but just don’t have enough funding to make them as they wish. They are forced to make compromises due to a limited budget, and find cheaper ways to make the shows. Sometimes, it doesn’t work out too well and the shows never make it to the screen. But other times, these series become huge, unexpected hits.
There are other shows that get pitched to network after network, only to hear the same negative answer every time. It can be hard to recognize a good idea and nobody really knows how the show will turn out. We don’t hear about all of these, but there are a surprising number of very popular and highly rated series that were rejected more than once before they finally got picked up by a daring network, only to skyrocket to success.
This should be a lesson to everyone on the importance of believing in yourself and persevering. These writers and producers kept on trying to turn their ideas into something, even if they had a very small budget or kept hearing the answer no. Here are some of the best TV shows that became surprise hits, going on to have high ratings, win awards, and acquire loyal fans, even if they had a rough start.
[post_page_title]Doctor Who[/post_page_title]
When Doctor Who first premiered in 1963, nobody expected it to stick around. It had a whole lot of marks against it, as a low budget show made just to fill an empty time slot. It was made as an educational science children’s show, and also just happened to debut the night after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. And yet, not only was it a hit at the time, it was rebooted in 2005 and the new Doctor Who is immensely popular.