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This huge whale thanked the fishermen for their help - Kiwi Report

This huge whale thanked the fishermen for their help

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The ocean is home to thousands of different species, some of which are more fearsome than others. Few people are afraid of the microscopic plankton that inhabit the vast body of water, but more might be wary of some of the animals that eat them. Creatures like jellyfish can cause harm just from a single touch, while many sharks have razor sharp teeth capable of doing some serious damage if you get too close.
Fears of these animals can prompt people to stay away from the water for good, but the likelihood of encountering one of them merely depends on where you are. It’s usually the nicer coastal locations that pose a higher risk of dangerous sea life encounters because why wouldn’t it be?

One animal people might be particularly afraid to cross paths with is whales. Although they don’t have as bad of a reputation as sharks, their size is enough to crush a person. Even if they didn’t mean any harm, they could still end up hurting you pretty badly. It’s no wonder, then, that these fishermen were cautious when one approached their boat and wouldn’t go away. The animal kept following them and trying to catch their attention, to the point that the men were worried about what it was going to do.
This is one whale that wasn’t looking to cause any harm, though. All it wanted was a helping hand from the fishermen, and once it was offered, the whale was eternally grateful. It even thanked them for their efforts.
[post_page_title]Out on the water[/post_page_title]
Ivan Iskenderian and Michael Riggio were two men just looking to test their luck on the waters of Middle Harbor. The Australians had no specific expectations for their trip, but as avid fishermen, they knew the possibilities that awaited them under the surface. After spending several hours trying their luck, they decided to call it a day and turned back towards land. However, it was as they were traveling to the shore that they noticed something unusual. They couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching them, and that it was following them all the way back to the coast. Were they crazy, or were they actually being tailed by something in the water?

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