How much do you love your job? We might have a habit of complaining about going to work, but there are a lot of people out there who enjoy what they do. Yes, they’d probably rather be sitting on a beach somewhere sipping cocktails and soaking up the sun, but we can’t always have everything we want. Besides, the chances are that if you had the freedom to do that every day, you’d get bored of it very quickly.
So, to make these luxurious vacations worthwhile, we have to work for a living. Some people choose a job merely to pay the bills and keep them afloat, while others are fortunate enough to find something they truly enjoy.
The more passionate you are about your place of work, the likelier you are to put in effort when it comes to the job. That might mean working harder during your shift or doing anything it takes to show up day after day.
Student Walter Carr proved how dedicated he was to his job after walking 20 miles simply to show up on time. That’s not something that most people would be willing to do just for a paycheck, but Carr was determined to make a good impression. He put his job before everything else, and luckily for this hard worker, his efforts didn’t go unrewarded.
After the CEO of the company discovered exactly what Carr had done just to get to work, he showed him how grateful he was for the student’s passion. This is one job that the young man wouldn’t ever forget.
[post_page_title]In the middle of nowhere[/post_page_title]
You might lament the drive to work or the fact that you often get stuck in traffic, but things could always be worse. After Walter Carr’s vehicle wouldn’t start 20 miles away from his first day on the job, it looked like things were over before they’d even begun. However, determined not to give up, Carr decided to make the long journey on foot. He never expected that this decision would change his life, but after his boss found out what he’d done, he couldn’t let his dedication go unrewarded.