[post_page_title]Turning it on[/post_page_title]
To monitor their experiment, the teenagers decided to record the whole thing on a camera to show their friends and family when it was all over. With the camera poised and ready, one of the teenagers took a deep breath and turned the engine on.
They half expected the car to blow up there and then, but it seemed to run fine. In fact, they said it sounded no different to how it normally sounded. Because WD-40 is a lubricant, they thought they had nothing to worry about.
[post_page_title]Going for a drive[/post_page_title]
Because they were happy with how the car sounded, the teenagers decided that there was only one thing for it… They had to take it for a test drive! They were all a little apprehensive to buckle themselves in just in case anything went wrong, but they eventually hopped into the car and drove down a quiet road by their house.
Amazingly, the first few minutes of their test drive went smoothly, and the engine seemed to be fine. They even thought it was proof that WD-40 works as engine oil!

Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day