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Family hears unusual noise from behind their wall and find 35,000 bees inside - Kiwi Report

Family hears unusual noise from behind their wall and find 35,000 bees inside

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Family hears unusual noise from behind their wall and find 35,000 bees inside

What happens if you suspect something is hiding in the walls of your home? One family were scratching their heads over noises they could hear coming from their walls as they had no idea what could be inside. This is what happened when this family couldn’t live with the mystery any longer and decided to discover what was living behind their wall.
[post_page_title]Seemingly fine[/post_page_title]
From the outside of this family’s home in Tennessee, there didn’t appear to be anything going on inside the walls of their home. It was only when they got a bit closer that they could tell there was something strange going on behind the brickwork.
Seemingly fine

As far as the family could tell, there was some sort of scratching coming from behind the wall, but nothing had managed to make it out to say hello. It was a big mystery to them, but they needed to know what was going on as this noise was coming from their kitchen wall. If it was some kind of nest of horrible bugs or rats, the last place this family wanted them running around was where they cook and store food.

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