In a world where we document every aspect of our lives, weddings are becoming more extra than ever before. We start out by planning using Pinterest (often before the engagement), comparing our own DIYs to incredible looking crafts online, then stalking other wedding dresses on Instagram, before watching some incredible viral first dances on Youtube. Everything is made to be seen by more than just those who were invited to the event. We can probably thank celebrities for that!
A wedding is already a magical day and every bride wants her day to be even more special than anyone else’s before – and it will be of course, because it’s their day! You spend weeks deciding which colors will best suit your bridesmaids, what flowers will complement your dress, and which readings will make everyone cry. You plan everything down to the smallest detail.
However, this bride, alongside planning a beautiful wedding, she also planned a super special secret surprise that not only astounded her groom, and the guests present, but the whole internet too!
[post_page_title]Wedding gifts[/post_page_title]
When it comes to wedding gifts, it is traditional that people who are invited to the wedding give a gift to the happy couple. In the past, these gifts were usually something to help the couple with their new lives together.
However, now that more couples are moving in together before they get married, these gifts do not have to be house-related. Gifts are a pretty big part of weddings, whether it is from the guests to the couple, or the couple to one another.