The men and women who make up the nursing profession amount to 2.9 million Americans who are specially trained to deal with any kind of medical emergency. Although we might sometimes take nurses for granted, some have got the world talking over the years. Be it their medical achievements or personal lives; there is no missing out on these incredible people who keep us safe each and every day.
[post_page_title]Francesca Woods at work[/post_page_title]
Francesca Woods is clearly a woman who loves her job. That being said, she seems like the type of young woman who loves everything she does, in all various avenues of her life.
She’s wearing the uniform, and she’s clearly enjoying herself at work. While working in the hospital, you constantly encounter patients who are constantly in need of a vibrant personality, so something tells us that Francesca is pretty awesome at providing that.
Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day