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Incredibly nostalgic facts about iconic sitcom Happy Days - Kiwi Report

Incredibly nostalgic facts about iconic sitcom Happy Days

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Happy Days stars talk about what happened behind the scenes of the show

“Sunday, Monday, happy days…” We’ll let you continue the irresistibly catchy theme song. Happy Days was superb, from the Cunninghams, to the ladies, to of course – the one and only Fonz. Here are some cool behind scenes facts about the show…
[post_page_title]Ron Howard took the role to get out of the war[/post_page_title]
Ron Howard played the role of Richie Cunningham, but not for the reason you might think. He only did it so that he could avoid getting drafted into the army and not have to fight in the Vietnam War.
Ron Howard took the role to get out of the war

He was passionate about directing, and not so much acting – but by becoming an actor on the show, he was receiving immediate employment which would enable him to not get drafted. As we all know, he ended up growing into a massively respected Hollywood director.

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