Funniest and weirdest Snapchats people ever sent each other

Social media is pretty awesome, right? There are now so many apps for us to utilize, but it seems as though people just can’t get enough of Snapchat. This platform has brought us some hilarious photos and captions over the years, and these are just some of them.

Wingardium Securiosa

When we were younger, we thought Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was the coolest place in the Wizarding World. After all, everyone who graduated from this place went on to become Aurors, professors, or Ministry of Magic employees, right?

Wingardium Securiosa

Well, it seems as though we have been living a lie this whole time. Harry Potter is now living amongst us Muggles, and we didn’t even realize it. How could you do this to us, J.K. Rowling?


Although Snapchat has provided us with some pretty hilarious content, it has also provided us with the kind of content that makes us squeal at the top of our lungs.


Yes, if you’re currently jumping up and down and clutching your heart out of the sheer cuteness of this lab-ception, then you’re not alone. We don’t know a single thing about science, but it’s now our life goal to become a scientist, get a job in this science lab, and then cuddle this science lab all day errryday.

Don’t talk to me

Have you ever had one of those days where you just can’t be bothered to interact with other humans? Where you just want to burrito yourself in a blanket and eat popcorn and watch sad movies?

Don’t talk to me

We all have one of those days, but sometimes we have to force ourselves out of bed and into the real world. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we’re going to do it willingly. This statue sums up our actions when our parents force us to go to the grocery store. We’ll do it, but we won’t be happy about it.

Oh, nevermind

Life can throw you some serious curveballs sometimes, and there’s no doubt about the fact that this Snapchat sums that up completely.

Oh, nevermind

It’s easy to wake up in the morning and realize that the sun is shining, and the tank is clean, but it takes just one tap on the glass from a young girl with braces to wake us up from our reverie. The same can be said when you buy a delicious iced drink in the morning, and then accidentally tip the whole thing over in your car…

Size doesn’t matter

If you’ve always lived by the rule that bigger is better, then you need to take some serious lessons from this cat. Although this little dude may not be as big as Simba or Mufasa, that isn’t going to stop it from climbing to the highest point in the bathroom and recreating its own circle of life.

Size doesn’t matter

While all of the medicines haven’t come out of the cabinet to celebrate the new ruler of the bathroom realm, that doesn’t mean that they won’t be respected. Long live the cat ruler.

Waiting in line

Okay, we just don’t deserve dogs. These animals have the purest hearts, and this Snapchat is the perfect example of a dog that is just too good to be true.

Waiting in line

We just can’t get over the fact that this dog has more manners than most of the people in this world, and we would give him all the treats. In fact, we’re gonna invent a device that allows us to give this doggo treats 24/7 for being the goodest doggo in the land. It’s what they deserve.

A new ‘do

There are many rules in this world, and while we like to follow them to the best of our ability, there’s just something about certain rules that sparks a twinkle in our eye. Yes, it’s like when your mom tells you not to eat the cake before your family arrives.

A new ‘do

Although you know that you shouldn’t, a little scoop of the icing won’t do any harm, will it? This is just like little kids and electrical outlets. They know they shouldn’t stick their fingers or their tongues in there, they ultimately come out with a brand new ‘do.

When you see it…

When you first looked at this Snapchat, there’s a high chance that you didn’t think much of it. After all, it’s just some shirts hanging up in a store, isn’t it? Well, you might want to look again. Once you see the face that’s in these shirts, you won’t be able to un-see it.

When you see it…

If we saw this in the store, we’d definitely run out of the nearest exit. We all know what happened when a face appeared out of the blue in Harry Potter, and although Professor Quirrell may no longer be around, that doesn’t mean we’re safe.

The look of love

Everyone always says that when you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, your palms will start to sweat, your heart will begin to race, and you just won’t be able to focus on anything but them.

The look of love

We’ve yet to feel this for ourselves, but we can definitely see the look of love in action within this Snapchat. Hopefully, one day, we’ll be able to have someone look at us the way that this dog looks at this pizza, but that’s just so much love in one photo.

A rough neighborhood

If you work hard for your money, you’ll know just how possessive you can be about your belongings. After shelling out your hard-earned money on nice things for you and your family, it can be annoying to see these being stolen or taken from your property.

A rough neighborhood

While some people just chance it and plead with the thieves of the world to leave their child’s tricycle out of their thieving quota, there are others who decide to take some drastic action. Serious matters require serious action.

Welcome to Doggosaurus Park

While there’s no doubt about the fact that Jurassic Park was an amazing franchise, there were a few flaws. After all, none of us have seen dinosaurs before, so we’re just expected to believe that dinosaurs were exactly like that?

Welcome to Doggosaurus Park

Doggosaurus Park is something that we’d be more inclined to believe. We’ve seen dogs before, we know how downright adorable they are, and we know that they are a little weird and wonderful sometimes. This is the kind of franchise that we can get behind.

A deconstructed hot dog

If you’ve ever been to a fancy restaurant, you’ll know that they love changing up their food and offering something that other restaurants don’t. Most of the time, this involves incredibly small portions that include one lettuce leaf on a plate, or it includes food that has been “deconstructed” for some unknown reason.

A deconstructed hot dog

This is the kind of deconstructed food that we’re talking about. There was nothing wrong with a normal hot dog, so why would you deconstruct it and take away the whole essence of the hot dog?

Just as interesting

When you think about it, words are pretty strange. Although there are oodles of words in this world, it seems as though the same words are used over and over for different things. This can get confusing, so we don’t blame this woman for opening up her laptop and watching a cup that has the world on it.

Just as interesting

After all, that’s a World Cup, isn’t it? Okay, so we know it’s not the sports World Cup that most of us watch on a regular basis, but it might actually be just as interesting.

Aw, man

One of the greatest features within the Snapchat universe is the users’ ability to draw anything they please right on top of their own photos.

Aw, man

While most people vandalize their own photos with funny horns or bodily growths that give them a few giggles, there are others who use this feature to draw their own imaginary friends. However, things get pretty awkward when the friends that you’re actually in control of decide to leave you so you’re on your own. That’s gotta hurt. Both of them, too.

I donut chair

Have you ever had one of those completely normal moments that completely blows your mind? Well, hold onto your hats for this one. If you’re a Snapchat user and a donut lover, then we have some news for you.

I donut chair

In fact, we have a task for you. If you take a bite of your delicious donut and fight the urge to eat the whole thing in one, then you can make your very own chair for your own Snapchat stickman. Of course, we understand if you don’t quite get around to it because the donut just tastes too good…

Selling right out

You’ve probably never taken the time to really look at a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, but if you do want to do a little bit of light reading, you might realize that they’re pretty philosophical.

Selling right out

They offer you the chance for them to repair years of damage, they promise that you won’t tear up, and they promise you that it’s going to be a happy and luxurious experience. Because of this, it’s not hard to see why these bottles sell right out. After all, our emotions always need a little TLC every now and then.

But moooooom!

If you’ve always thought that statues were pretty boring, then you might want to eat your hat. Statues are super relatable if you really try hard enough, but sometimes you don’t even need to try. Come on; just look at this guy.

But moooooom!

He’s obviously just been on the receiving end of his mother’s requests, and he’s just not liking what he’s hearing. If Julius Caesar doesn’t have to clean his room, then why does he have to clean his room? It’s not like cleaning is easy when you’re a statue and all.

Who wore it better?

Life is pretty wild sometimes, and it’s fair to say that it can also be pretty hilarious. After all, what are the chances of your English teacher looking exactly like the highlighter pen you chose to use at that exact moment?

Who wore it better?

There must be someone up there who makes all of these coincidences happen because these are just ridiculous. How do they happen? Why do they happen? Are they purely for our entertainment and the funny Snapchats that make the rounds? That must be it.

Not Slytherin, eh?

It seems as though Harry Potter isn’t the only former Hogwarts alum who has had to make his way into the Muggle world to earn a proper living. The Sorting Hat has certainly seen better days, but at least it’s making itself useful.

Not Slytherin, eh?

It probably doesn’t like the fact that it no longer has the chance to sort the best young witches and wizards into their magical houses, but we’ve all gotta do what we’ve gotta do. That’s what you get for being a hat in the modern world. They’re just not that cool anymore.

Party? What party?

If your parents have ever gone out of town, you would know that this is the perfect opportunity to throw a party. It’s a chance for you to invite all of your friends for drinks, music, and dancing, and it’s your chance to be the cool kid for the night.

Party? What party?

Of course, everyone knows that if you throw a party, then you have to cover your tracks, but that isn’t always possible. This person found out for themselves when the snow outside their house became the ultimate snitch…

Breaking free

Video games have both improved and ruined our lives, am I right? While they’re super cool to play when you want to avoid doing the chores and avoid human life as a whole, they’ve also set us up for some accidents.

Breaking free

We’ve been throwing bananas out of our car to slow down any potential cars that are looking to overtake us, we’ve been driving through mushrooms in the hope that it will speed us up, and we’ve been breaking through walls that look a little false. In short, it hurt.

Ancient Shrek

Although we all believe that the story of Shrek is a make-believe work of fiction created by Dreamworks, that just isn’t the case. Shrek can be traced back to ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the land… Okay, we’re totally kidding.

Ancient Shrek

However, there’s no doubt about the fact that this Shrek-like ornament looks weirdly like our favorite ogre – layers and all. We guess he really is an all-star. Now you’ll have to try and get that song out of your head for the rest of the day. Good luck with that.

A little flamboyant

Did you know that a flock of flamingos is called a flamboyance? Well, now you do. This duck obviously decided that it wanted a little more flamboyance in its life when it was hanging around with its duck friends, so it decided to ditch them instead.

A little flamboyant

The flamingos don’t seem to mind the imposter within their ranks, and it seems as though they’re just going to leave it and see how it gets on. After all, it will soon find that standing on one leg all day isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Hot dogs or legs?

The days of hot dogs or legs have long gone because it seems as though people just don’t have the money to be buying vacations or hot dogs anymore. Yes, an empty purse means that more and more people are simply looking at photographs of vacations instead of actually going on them, and using their fingers to their advantage.

Hot dogs or legs?

While this pool is giving us all kinds of vibes, the fact that we have no life just makes the whole thing impossible. Who’s going to come with us? Our imaginary friends?

An impasta

There’s something so pretentious about pasta, isn’t there? It’s the kind of food that knows that it’s wanted, and it just loves getting all of the attention. It can be used in hot or cold meals, and everyone seems to love it – and they know it.

An impasta

This can cause some particular types of pasta to get a little too big for their boots, and this is just one of them. While this box was dedicated to Penne Rigate, this little swirly dude decided to try its luck as an impasta and infiltrate the gang. Well, we’re onto you.

Firing up the machine

If you’ve ever had to do your own laundry, you’ll know that it’s not easy. You have to make sure you’re putting in the right colors together, you have to put in the right amount of detergent, and then you have to remember that you put it in there in the first place.

Firing up the machine

Of course, if you ever find yourself doubting your ability to do your own laundry, just remember this picture right here. Why this person decided to take a photo rather than put the fire out is beyond us.

So much thyme

Unemployed life sucks, right? While being able to do what you want and eat popcorn all day is great for a while, you soon realize that having a job is sometimes a great way to cure your boredom, your lack of motivation, and the lack of money in your bank account.

So much thyme

This person obviously did just have too much thyme on their hands when they found themselves in the unemployment line – both literally and metaphorically. What a waste of thyme leaves.

The cat’s whiskers

Boredom can drive you to all kinds of things sometimes, and we have to assume that boredom was what caused this hilarious Snapchat. We bet the person behind this photo was baking themselves a delicious cake when they realized that their whiskers weren’t too dissimilar from their cats’ whiskers.

The cat’s whiskers

So, there was only one thing that could be done. Instead of leaving a hilarious joke out of their life, they decided to bring it to life instead. The cat does not look amused.

Going for a walk

People seem to photograph everything nowadays, and it’s not uncommon to find that people take photos of awkward situations that happen right there and then.

Going for a walk

Of course, there are some circumstances where people should probably put their phones down and help out – and we feel like this is one of them. This man was just walking his dog when it made its way into the water below, and the dog doesn’t look too comfortable. Let’s just hope the snapper did tell him in the end…

I yelleth timber

Wouldn’t life be so much funnier if we sang modern pop songs in an old-style English vibe? We definitely think so. It seems as though the person who saw this in an old play also thinks the same.

I yelleth timber

After all, while we love Ke$ha and her dollar sign with all of our hearts, we can’t help but wonder if her songs would be even more popular if she rewrote them this way. While we don’t want to tell her what to do, there’s no doubt about the fact that we would buy those albums ten times over if that was the case.

A positive lab result

Is that not just the cutest doggo you have ever seen in your life? While many people have called out social media in the past, you can’t knock these amazing apps for bringing adorable animals into our life.

A positive lab result

This is the kind of content that we live for, and this is another kind of scientific lab that we would love to work with. In fact, this one seems much better than the last. At least you can get some fresh air in this lab.

Shouldn’t have done it

Life is all about making mistakes, and it’s fair to say that we all make them on a daily basis. We try to pull open the push door, we congratulate a non-pregnant woman for being pregnant, and we eat a bar of soap that looks like chocolate.

Shouldn’t have done it

In this person’s defense, that really does look like chocolate. A brown bar of soap that’s in the shape of a cake just doesn’t make sense. Why a cake? And why is it brown? The fault lies firmly in the maker of this soap.

Exit 1D

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those who didn’t care about the fact that One Direction decided to take a “hiatus,” and there are those who were utterly distraught.

Exit 1D

Of course, there were also a few people who thought it was pretty funny, and this person just couldn’t get enough of making jokes about the situation. When they saw this sign on the road, they knew it was the perfect Snapchat opportunity. It’s safe to say that the 1D fans didn’t think the same…

Matchy, matchy

When you wake up in the morning, do you take a huge amount of pride in what you wear? Do you get it ready the night before so you can really plan it out? Do you just throw on the first thing that you find in the closet?

Matchy, matchy

Or do you surreptitiously take inspiration from the things around you? Well, it seems as though this young lady accidentally took inspiration from her school bathroom when she put on this outfit. We have a feeling she would also match her math paper, as well.

The worst type of jam

Let’s be honest; the world is full of jams. There’s the kind of delicious jam that everyone likes to eat – and the jam that matches perfectly with peanut butter. There’s the kind of jam you get in when you just can’t figure out the answer on Jeopardy.

The worst type of jam

There’s even a traffic jam. However, have you ever found yourself experiencing a giraffe jam? This person realized just how awful and adorable this was for themselves, but we have a feeling that it might be a niche Snapchat. Don’t expect many more of these.

All alone

We just really don’t get people who wear camouflage when they’re not in a military situation. Do you want to be seen? Do you want to blend into the background?

All alone

We just can’t work it out. It seems as though this Snapchatter didn’t know what to make of it either. After all, if this man really did want to blend into the background, then he was leaving his other half completely alone. Everyone knows that seeing people eat alone is one of the saddest things that you can see.

Aging gracefully

If you’re currently at college, you’ll know that you can’t make your way back home to see your family without someone asking you about your post-college plans. It’s like they rehearse what they’re going to say before you even get there.

Aging gracefully

While some people just make up their post-graduation plans, this person was smart about it. They took this photo, they sent it to all of their friends and family, and they gave them the answer right then and there. No more questions for them, please. The answer is all there.

Caught in the act

Social media is often hard for the single people of the world. After all, these apps are full of photos and statuses from loved-up couples who just love to show off their relationship. This can be hard for those who don’t have a significant other in their lives, so many people choose to make things up instead.

Caught in the act

Rather than waiting for their own lovebird, there are many people who create the false sense of a relationship through the power of photography instead. Of course, there are some people who are better at this than others.

Just keep swimming

First, we were trying to find Nemo. Then we were trying to find Dory. Can these fish please stop getting lost? It’s really taking up a lot of our time. Although Nemo was found safe and well, it seems as though things were a little different for Dory.

Just keep swimming

Did the movie just tell us what we wanted to hear? Because this person seems to have found her in a different state. That’s enough to make our hearts hurt, but at least she was found. Even if she is decked out in a wholemeal crumb.

The true highlight

What has been the highlight of your day? Was it the fact that you had a delicious breakfast this morning? Was it the fact that you had a good day at work? Or was it the fact that you bought a new highlighter and got to highlight “My Day” on a piece of paper?

The true highlight

There are so many things that make your day, but there’s no doubt about the fact that stationery really floats our boat. After all, there’s nothing better than buying some new pens and trying them out on some new paper.

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