There’s always that pesky risk of ordering a package and it arriving a little banged up. We have to expect a little wear and tear if we’re going to order online and have an item shipped to us.
We don’t, however, expect it to arrive looking quite like this. Yikes. We’re not sure what the contents were inside but man, this doesn’t look good for the owner. Maybe we should think twice before ordering that must-have over the Internet next time.
[post_page_title]Gnome thank you[/post_page_title]
We’re all in a rush. We have places to be and people to meet. Sometimes we just have to keep going and going with no time for a break. For delivery couriers with hundreds of packages to deliver in a day it can be quite difficult to prioritize your time.
This driver must use a throw and dash system. Unfortunately it was the gnome that paid the price. We’re not sure if that was the bullseye or just one big amazing fail.
Healthy snacks you can easily make yourself
We get it; we need to start eating healthier. But how is anyone supposed to make it through the day