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Woman paid over $300,000 after real-estate company ignored her plea to fix light in her building - Kiwi Report

Woman paid over $300,000 after real-estate company ignored her plea to fix light in her building

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This image is for illustration purposes only. The people in this picture are not to be associated with the article.

For many people, living in a rental apartment is a reality of life that can last for years. Whether by necessity or choice, people who can’t or don’t want to buy a house of their own live in a residence owned by someone else. It’s a pretty convenient agreement, when all goes well. In return for your rental payment, the landlord or someone acting on their behalf assume responsibility for most common problems and malfunctions.
Despite this arrangement clearly being in the best interest of both tenant and landlord, things don’t always quite work out. Renters and landlords alike probably have horror stories about dealing with the people on the other side. But the thing of it is that even if it seems like everything is fine, one small problem can cause an enormous amount of damage. Case in point, this busted staircase light that led to a $231,000 lawsuit.
[post_page_title]$231,000 for a busted light[/post_page_title]
Karen Than is a 40-year-old resident of New South Wales, Australia. With degrees in both law and commerce and a job at her state’s transportation agency, no one could say she wasn’t an upstanding, productive member of society. Then, on August 2, 2015, her life was thrown for a loop.
This image is for illustration purposes only. The people in this picture are not to be associated with the article.

As Karen was navigating her building’s staircase, with its light busted, she lost her balance. The end result? A broken foot, a lawsuit, and $231,000 in compensation two and a half years later. Sounds like a lot? It’s a small price to pay for all of her pain and suffering.

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