Between Two Worlds: Stunning Images Capturing Open Ocean and Air

[post_page_title]Not Biting Today[/post_page_title]
It must be great to enjoy a spot of fishing here. Usually, you can go hours without a single bite on the bait, but here you could probably just jump in and come back up with a mouthful of fresh fish. Then again, it depends on what kind of fish lurk beneath the waters. Ever seen Jaws?
Nature-Between-2-Worlds-3[post_page_title]Reptile Advantage[/post_page_title]
Learning that Iguanas are actually very adept swimmers is a surprise to me. My experience of Iguanas is that they’re pretty lazy reptiles who like to bask in the sun all day, and not secretly Olympic-level swimmers. Even Michael Phelps could learn a thing or two from this guy.

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