People share the funny moment they learned their partners weren’t very smart

People share the funny moment they learned their partners weren’t very smart

When you spend a lot of time with someone, you’re bound to learn a lot about them, and not all of it will be positive. That doesn’t mean that you love them any less, it just means that you might have something to use against them when you need it.
Some people took to the internet to share moments when they realized that their dear partner might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Here are some of the best.

No headlights

This story comes from a guy who found out that his high school girlfriend didn’t understand how electricity works. Perhaps she has wisened up a little by now. The power went out in her house, and she called him very upset because she had a ton of homework to do, but no lights in her home.

No headlights

The kind boyfriend told her to drive over to his house, since he still had power. She yelled at him saying, “How dare you attempt to get me to drive!” You see, she was angry because she was certain her headlights wouldn’t work due to the power outage. The young couple broke up shortly after that.

What truck?

Here’s a man who exposed himself as the less-than-brilliant one in his relationship. He went to The Home Depot to buy a trailer hitch ball for his pickup truck. When he got to the store, he saw that they came in all different sizes, and he needed to figure out which one would fit his truck.

What truck?

So he called his wife at home and asked her to please go outside to measure the hole in the bumper of his truck. His wife paused for a moment before asking, “Isn’t your truck with you?” Yes, the truck was in fact sitting in the Home Depot Parking lot. That was how the man had gotten to the store.

I made a mess

Some people just don’t know how to clean properly. When they try, it just ends up making a bigger mess. This husband called his wife at work and warned her that he had made a big mess. “But don’t worry I’ll fix it!” he assured her. She just sighed, certain she was going to come home to a disaster zone.

I made a mess

Sure enough, when she arrived, she saw the whole living room, and her husband, covered in gray powder. He was standing with a trash bag and a broom. It turns out he has tried to clean the fireplace by standing in front of it with a garbage bag and a leaf blower. Needless to say, it did not work.


Popcorn can be exciting to make it at home, but this woman exposed her significant other’s mistake the first time he tried out their new popcorn maker. He eagerly scooped a cup of popcorn kernels into the machine and grabbed a cereal bowl to catch the popcorn when it came out.


As it started popping, however, the cereal bowl quickly filled up. It soon became obvious that the small bowl would definitely not be large enough to catch all of the popcorn, and it started overflowing everywhere. Of course, popcorn expands when it pops, so a much larger bowl was needed. As the man realized his error in judgement, he softly said, “oh no.”


Ants can certainly be annoying, but they don’t usually cause any deaths. This couple was playing a trivia game when they first started dating. The goal is to answer as many questions as possible in a short amount of time, so it involves a lot of quick thinking, which can throw some people off.


The girlfriend asked her boyfriend, “What animal in Africa kills the most people a year?” He quickly shouted, “Ants!” She started laughing so hard that tears came out of her eyes. Now they are married, and many years have passed since the game, but every once in a while they still turn to each other and yell, “Ants!” and burst out laughing.

Bad directions

It can be hard to give people directions on the phone, but this woman took giving bad directions to a whole new level. She and her significant other were in the car driving down the road, and she was on the phone with her parents.

Bad directions

They asked her where she was, so she did her best to describe her location to them – “We are behind the car that’s in front of us,” she said. It didn’t do much to help them find her, but her significant other cracked up.

Swim to the other side

Occasionally, people find out that their significant others are severely lacking in their science education. This man learned that his partner truly believed that the Earth is made out of water, and was certain that it is possible to swim so deep into the ocean that you come out the other side.

Swim to the other side

It took him a really long time to convince her that this is not actually how things work, and he’s still not completely sure she believes him.

Look, a car!

People who love vintage cars often love pointing them out when driving around town. This man and his significant other were on a bus in the middle of a traffic jam. He suddenly saw a 1970s classic Mustang in mint condition, so he wanted to show her.

Look, a car!

All he said, however, was “Look honey! A car!” Remember, they were in traffic surrounded by hundreds of cars. She started laughing, and still makes fun of him about it to this day.

Tree chunks

Sometimes words slip people’s minds, so they have to come up with alternate ways to express themselves. This man made a mess in the backyard and his wife wanted him to clean it up.

Tree chunks

However, she just couldn’t think of the word “wood,” so she had to come up with another way to explain what she was trying to say. So she got creative, turned to her husband, and asked him to clean up his “tree chunks”.

Whose kid is it anyway?

This woman has two children – one with her fiancé and one from a previous relationship. Since the older child’s father is not in the picture, the woman’s fiancé treats both children like his own, and sometimes even forgets that he is not genetically related to both.

Whose kid is it anyway?

At a holiday party with his family, the woman was talking about her older daughter’s night terrors. Suddenly, her fiancé said, “She gets that from my side of the family.” Everyone was super confused because, of course, she isn’t his genetic daughter.

High risk washing

This man made a nice roast dinner for his wife in a slow cooker and she decided to help him clean up. When he came into the kitchen, however, he saw her standing by the sink with the entire, plugged in crock pot under water.

High risk washing

He quickly explained to her how dangerous that was. “I guess I shouldn’t have put the whole thing underwater!” she said. He agreed, and unplugged it as fast as he could. She was very lucky not to get electrocuted.

Taste bugs

Some people grow up thinking that certain words are phrases are said one way, when in fact they are said a completely different way. That’s what happened to this woman.

Taste bugs

She and her boyfriend were talking about tastes changing throughout life, when she said something about “taste bugs.” Her boyfriend corrected her, and she made a confused face. She truly thought that the phrase was “taste bugs” instead of “taste buds,” and had been saying it that way her whole life!

Where do the stars go?

Here’s another example of someone missing too many science classes as a child. A woman and her boyfriend were spending a romantic evening looking up at the night sky. Her boyfriend started to wonder about the universe, and how much there is to know about it.

Where do the stars go?

He stated that there are still so many things we don’t know about it “like where the stars go during the day.” He continued, “Are they still there? If not, where do they go?” He wasn’t joking.


When letters are used to stand in for words, it can be hard to figure out what the words themselves are supposed to be. That’s what happened to this guy’s significant other.


He has a fan with three settings to control how fast it spins that are labeled L, M, and H. One day, his partner turned to him and said that she had turned the fan on to “large”. We just wonder what she thinks M and H stand for!

Magic vacuum

One woman has an ex who didn’t understand how vacuum cleaners work. He thought that when they stop sucking up the dust properly, they are broken and you need to buy a new one.

Magic vacuum

The thought never crossed his mind that you could empty the fluff out of the vacuum and it would start working again. We don’t want to know how many vacuums they bought when theirs was just in need of a good cleaning. Maybe that’s why he’s an ex.


Sometimes the hardest things to find are those that are right in front of your eyes. That seems to be what happened to this guy’s girlfriend. When the couple was in high school, she suddenly had an epiphany.


She said that she just realized something – “There’s no state that starts with the letter F!” Her boyfriend looked at her in a strange way. They were currently having this conversation in the state of Florida. She must have felt pretty silly after that.

The Olympics

In 2004, the world learned that the 2012 Olympics would take place in London. The city was excited that they had won the bid and they found out that any child that was born on December 12 (20/12) would get to go to the Olympics for free.

The Olympics

This person’s significant other didn’t understand. “But what if they’re not any good at sports?” they asked. Their partner had to explain that it just meant free entry to watch the games, not to participate.

What’s in carrot cake?

There are some things that seem too obvious to need an explanation, and yet some people require one anyway. This woman’s significant other was thinking about carrot cake, and he just couldn’t figure out how it was made.

What’s in carrot cake?

After all, carrots are vegetables but carrot cake is deliciously sweet. So he asked what people put in carrot cake to make it carrot flavored. “Is it carrot zest?” he wondered. His partner couldn’t help laughing, and still brings it up.

You are here

Some people have a good sense of direction and can read maps with no problem. Others are not so fortunate. One guy and his significant other were walking around a nature reserve, using a map to help them find their way.

You are here

During the walk, his partner turned to him and said that it would really help if the maps had a “you are here” symbol on them. It took him several tries to successfully explain to her why that wouldn’t work in their particular situation.

Manatee shows

When you’ve been saying a word incorrectly for your whole life, it can be hard to accept that it isn’t really the right word. This man found out that his girlfriend thought that daytime movie showings were called “Manatee Shows”.

Manatee shows

For those who don’t know, manatees are large mammals that live in the sea. The guy had to spend some time explaining to her that afternoon movies are actually called “matinee shows,” and that manatees are an entirely different beast.

Tiny tents

Certain items are too big for stores to display in their full size, so they use models instead. Tents are one of those things. This woman and her husband were in a store called Canadian Tire, where they were selling tents.

Tiny tents

They had miniature examples of the tents on display so that customers could get a better idea of what they were buying. The husband, however, didn’t understand the idea behind it – he thought the tiny tents were for sale, and asked his wife why they were so expensive.

Upside down tree

Gardening isn’t for everyone. Some people have a green thumb while others can destroy even the hardiest of plants. One woman asked her husband to plant a baby tree in their back garden.

Upside down tree

He headed outside and did as she wished, or so he thought. The next day, she looked at the tree and thought it didn’t look quite right. When she got closer she realized that he had planted it upside down. He thought the branches were the roots!

Lightning bolts

There are some things that you learn at a young age never to do. One of those things is never to put metal in the microwave, because it’s quite dangerous.

Lightning bolts

This person’s significant other somehow missed out on that lesson, and tried to cook potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil in the microwave. Things quickly started to heat up inside, and the worried cook came to their partner to ask why there were little lightning bolts in the microwave.


When you’re driving down the road and spot an animal, it can be a moment of excitement on a long, boring journey. This woman got a bit too excited when she saw a horse sticking its head over a gate along the road.


Her significant other was driving down the road, so he slowed down a bit to get a better look. Then, she rolled down the window, and shouted “Moooooo!” at the horse. She clearly hasn’t spent much time in the country.

Where is north?

One person and their significant other were on a hike and following the trail, they get to a fork in the path, and the person says they need to go north. This person’s other half gets confused by this and believes they have been traveling north the whole time.

Where is north?

When asked why they think that she then says that ‘north is the direction in front of you, yeah?’. Well, her partner sure didn’t know where that knowledge came from, but hopefully, now she knows what north is.

Where is the earth?

The stars can be a confusing thing, and no one is expected to really understand a whole lot about what’s going on in space. Not regular people, anyway.

Where is the earth?

However, there are a few basic things that everyone should know. One girl asked, pointing to a star that had a bluish tint, and asked her partner ‘is that earth?’. Well, she’s going to get a bit of a shock when she finds out she’s standing on it.

Organ donation

Organ donation is a tough subject, but everyone has their views. However, this guy seemed convinced of one thing in particular. People get asked if they want to be a donor, and one guy said no. His other half asked him why.

This image is for illustration purposes only. The people in this picture are not to be associated with the article.

It was because he didn’t want the government knocking on his door and taking them while he was still alive. That’s quite a scary thing to be thinking, but if that’s what this guy genuinely thought, then no wonder he said no.

How can we see the moon and the sun?

Sometimes we can see the moon even while the sun is out, right? Well, while most people understand this revelation after a kindergarten science class, this person never quite got the gist. She asked how on earth the moon and sun were out at the same time, especially since they’re the same thing!

How can we see the moon and the sun?

She didn’t seem convinced but blamed it on the fact she never went to college. Apparently, she was in her early 30s. You learn something new every day!

Old movies

Well, everyone knows that back in the day movies used to be black and white, it was before they had the technology to film in color. Of course, now basically everything is filmed in color.

Old movies

One guy was discussing this with his significant other when she explained to him that the past was black and white. She was serious too. This was probably equally worrying and hilarious, we wonder how she thinks color was invented.

Surprise tickets

One woman thought that she would do a nice thing for her partner and buy him some tickets to a David Letterman show. It was the mid-’80s, and Letterman was her partner’s favorite comedian. The best bit? The show was at a local venue!

Surprise tickets

It almost seemed too good to be true. It wasn’t until he got a little suspicious about it all – especially as David Letterman didn’t tour – that he realized the truth. She had accidentally bought tickets for the band The Lettermen instead.

Quick decisions

Welcoming a new child into the world can be an amazing time for most parents. Sadly, it turns out that some expecting parents still have a thing or two to learn in the antenatal classes. One dad had an important question while his wife was in labor.

Quick decisions

He wanted to know if she would prefer an innie or an outie belly button. Apparently, he thought that the doctors asked parents which they would prefer and clamped the umbilical cord accordingly. That’s one way to lighten the mood in the room.

All to go

If there is one thing that many of us love about fast food, it’s the fact that most places let us order it all from our car without ever having to leave the comfort of our vehicle. The 21st century sure is a great time to be alive.

All to go

One family was ordering their food when one woman’s husband turns and has one more thing to add. He wants the food “to go.” Amazingly, his wife turns back to the speaker and says, “to go” without realizing what she said.

Just a tap

There are many cooking hacks that can make our lives a lot easier in the kitchen. However, there’s one that confused one woman more than any other. Her partner was demonstrating how to crack an egg by tapping it against another.

Just a tap

Sadly, she thought that he meant one egg absorbed all the shock and that only one would break. She soon learned that smashing two eggs together as hard as you can means you’ll end up with egg just about everywhere in the kitchen.

Spell it out

Teachers get to work with the next generation of world leaders, doctors, and great minds. Sadly, it looks as though some could use an extra cup of coffee before they start the school day. That is if they want to make it through the entire class.

Spell it out

One woman recalled a story to her partner about her day in the classroom, where she was in charge of a spelling test. However, she had no idea how to pronounce the word, so spelled it out – in a spelling test.

Animal truths

Grocery shopping is one of the many things that we get to enjoy as a couple. It can be great deciding on all our meals for the week, but what about when one of you knows the layout of the store better than the other? No worries.

Animal truths

All you need to do is ask where something is. One woman wanted to know where the eggs were kept, and her partner replied they were by the milk. This made perfect sense to her as they “come from the same animal.”

Milk and cookies

One of the best things about living with your partner is having someone there to enjoy all those yummy snacks with you. One couple wanted to share a warm cookie in the kitchen. One piece started to fall, and he instinctively ducked down to catch it.

Milk and cookies

Sadly, he forgot that he was holding a glass of milk at the same time and sent it flying everywhere. The worst part? He managed to drop the entire rest of the cookie in the process. Apparently, his wife found the whole thing hilarious.

The wrong side

The morning rush can see the best of us become a wreck as we try to brush our teeth, tame our hair, find clean pants, and make it to work on time. Thankfully, living with your partner means you can car share and have a little more fun.

The wrong side

This wife thought she would help her husband and drive him to work. However, she was worried about the time and started calling for him to hurry up while she was in the car. It wasn’t until he got outside that she realized she was waiting in the passenger seat.

Senior confusion

A couple was heading past a hotel when one of them looked up and noticed a sign in the window. She was confused about why college seniors were given a discount when she assumed that most of them already lived on the campus.

Senior confusion

He looked over and saw that seniors got a 10% discount. He then had to explain that the hotel was, in fact, offering a discount to senior citizens and not college students in their senior year. That sure made a lot more sense.

A sudden lightbulb

Two people were driving down a winding road when she looked over and noticed that her ex-boyfriend was being a little strange. He was driving along while pushing the high-beam lever the entire time. She wondered why he was bothering.

A sudden lightbulb

She eventually suggested that he tried pulling the stick toward himself to make the lights stay on all the time. Apparently, he had been driving the truck for years, but always thought you had to hold the lever to make the headlights stay on.

Clogged pipe

Thankfully, partners can make the best sidekicks when we’re doing some DIY around the house. One pair needed to unclog the pipe in their sink. He takes it all apart, drains the water into a bucket, and clears the pipe of any mess.

Clogged pipe

Sadly, when he handed his partner the bucket to empty, she didn’t think about it and poured it straight down the sink. Before he had reattached the pipe. With his head underneath. We’re sure that smelled nice the second time around.
Disclaimer: Some photos may be stock images used for illustration purposes only. The people or places in these photos are not to be associated with the article.

Where the streets have funny names

One guy and his girlfriend were driving somewhere in their car. When they stopped at a red light, his girl looked at a sign and exclaimed, “What a dumb name for a street!” Her boyfriend had no idea what she was talking about, so she explained.

Where the streets have funny names

“Bone Marrow Drive?” she laughed. “Who would name a street Bone Marrow Drive?” Naturally, the sign was advertising a drive for gathering bone marrow donations that would be taking place soon, and not the actual street name of where they were. As if you needed to be told that.

Yo soy candle

This woman was teaching at a school, and one Christmas she received a gift from a couple of parents whose kid she taught. The parents were pretty famous around the school for being hippies, so she wasn’t all that surprised to see the gift she got was a candle.

Yo soy candle

Her boyfriend got a kick out of it too, laughing at how they “even got a candle made in Mexico.” Initially confused, his girlfriend realized what it meant. The label said “soy candle” – as in a candle made out of soy wax. It did not, as he thought, say “I am candle” in Spanish.

Oh, that looks interesting

This one really defies belief, because even after finding out the explanation behind her boyfriend’s actions, this woman was still at a loss as to what he was thinking. One day, he picked up a set of keys belonging to their mutual friend, and noticed a key-chain that he claims he thought was a lighter or an air freshener.

Oh, that looks interesting

It was not – has anyone ever put an air freshener on their keys? What it was was mace, and he sprayed not only himself but also his girlfriend in the face with it. It got so bad that even the aforementioned friend, who was upstairs showering, could feel the effects.

We all (don’t) float down here

Hitting the big 3-0 is an important milestone in most people’s lives. It’s a birthday that basically marks the transition from still getting away with behaving like a slightly bigger child to starting to behave like an adult. Apparently, though, for some people age did not bring wisdom. This guy’s fiancée was setting up his 30th birthday party at a bar.

We all (don’t) float down here

She was busy blowing up balloons and then taping them to the wall of the bar’s outside deck. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, and looked at the balloons and then at her soon-to-be-husband quizzically. “Why aren’t they floating up?” she wondered.

No feeling in that arm, we guess

Getting into a playful pinching match with your significant other is fun, but it’s probably best not to do in when you’re driving. Nevertheless, this couple did just that, and were having a ball. At least until the guy’s then-girlfriend got frustrated, and started pinching harder. However, his right arm was hooked on her left (in the same manner high-class couples walk in movies).

No feeling in that arm, we guess

What she did was pinch her own arm, and then screamed and got mad. Did she realize what she was doing? Nope, she doubled down and it did again, even harder. And she couldn’t figure out why her boyfriend almost crashed the car laughing.

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